Google Maps, one of the leading web mapping platforms, may soon display Plug and Charge locations to enable a more seamless charging experience for electric vehicle owners, Android Authority reports, citing an APK teardown.
For context, an APK teardown aids people in predicting new features that may be introduced on a service based on “work-in-progress code.”
APK teardown hints at Plug and Charge locations
Google Maps’ recent update hints that the app may soon offer a new convenience feature for electric vehicle drivers. The software update version 111.15.103’s APK teardown revealed that the app seems to be on track to display charging stations with Plug and Charge capabilities.
The potential inclusion of Plug and Charge locations in Google Maps will significantly aid owners in easily determining where stations to go in order to benefit from the more convenient sessions, even without using a mobile app or charging a subscription card.
Presented below are the strings Android Authority spotted:
<string name= “CAR_PLUG_AND_CHARGE_BODY”> “Charging stations with plug and charge let you charge more conveniently, without using your phone or charging card. You can set up plug and charge in your vehicle’s settings and payment app.” </string>
<string name=”CAR_PLUG_AND_CHARGE_TITLE”>Plug and charge</string>
<string name=”CAR_SEARCH_PLUG_AND_CHARGE”>Plug and charge</string>
What is Plug and Charge technology?
Plug and Charge technology is basically a streamlined electric vehicle charging method, enabling owners to charge without an app or charging card. It allows the car itself to manage the payment via the in-car systems.
BMW also reportedly asserted that car authentication does not necessitate an internet connection, making Plug and Charge useful for secluded areas like underground parking lots.
However, it is only currently available on several models from Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Ford, and General Motors, among others.
Other improvements
Google currently has multiple electric vehicle-related features that ease owners’ charging experience amid the growing issues associated with public charging infrastructures.
Google Maps aims to save parking location on Android Auto to let drivers know the vehicle’s location when the destination is a different area, Auto Evolution noted. Basically, drivers can use the app for walking directions, enabling them to continue utilizing it even after leaving the vehicle.
In addition, Google Maps will also offer Immersive Views for routes. It will be initially limited to some regions, enabling owners to prepare for a trip to an unfamiliar destination. It will also soon include a visual update on mobile devices, terminating the location data and directions UI from dominating the entire screen.
Going back, Google’s initiative to support Plug and Charge technology uptake may soon encourage other electric automakers to also offer it through their electric vehicle models. By doing so, electric vehicle owners may soon benefit from a more streamlined charging process. However, it must be noted that there remains a possibility that the feature may not appear on the stable version of Google Maps. APKs tend to have strings of working features, but they are not guaranteed to reach public release.