Hindustan Motors will make a comeback in the market, and this time, as an electric vehicle manufacturer.
Indian based company and the makers of the iconic Ambassador model, Hindustan Motors is planning to make a comeback with an electrified version of the Ambassador and a new design.
Hindustan Motors recently reported that it has joined hands with French automaker Peugeot into re-designing the iconic car. The ‘Amby’ will have a new look and a new engine, and will have a modern interior as well. It will be manufactured at Hindustan Motor’s Chennai facility.
Director of Hindustan Motors, Uttam Bose confirmed that development is already underway for the new look of the ‘Amby’. “Mechanical and design work for the new engine has reached an advanced stage.’ Bose stated via Times of India.
Additionally, under the Joint Venture, it will not only produce electric cars, but will be producing electric two-wheelers as well. In line with this, it was said that the first product coming from the partnership will be an electric scooter. This makes sense since two-wheelers are very popular in India and it receives a positive response from the buyers in the country.
Currently, demands for electric vehicles are high. It is increasingly popular and if the Ambassador would comeback as electrified, chances are high that it will be popular as well, specially to those who had memories with the car. After all, the model was so popular in the country before that it reached nearly 75% of the market share at some point in the 1970’s.
Hindustan Motors’ Uttarpara factory in West Bengal shut down last year. It used to manufacture Ambassador units since the 1950’s. The last production for the iconic car was still last September 2014 and after that, the company has faced debts and lack of demand until it was forced to halt production and eventually shut down. Hindustan Motors’ owner CK Birla Group sold the iconic brand name to Peugeot for ₹80 crore in 2017.